Determining correct bottle label dimensions for personalized brand labeling

Determining correct bottle label dimensions for personalized brand labeling

Determining correct bottle label dimensions for personalized brand labeling

From pharmaceuticals to decoration and perfume glass bottles, we see glass bottles in a variety of uses. One thing that goes hand in hand with glass bottles is brand labeling. Accurate bottle label dimensions require accurate measurement of glass bottles.

This blog is all about measuring glass bottles from different dimensions. It highlights the importance of appropriate and personalized brand labeling.

It explains how different glass bottle shapes require different methods of measurement. It’s an interesting read for someone planning to launch their private label using glass bottles.

Measuring Bottle Label Dimensions

Taking correct measurements of glass bottles is important for the creation of the right brand labels. The measurement of glass bottles spreads across various dimensions.

These are diameter, height, and thickness. For this purpose, you need a flat ruler and a flexible measuring tape.

Let’s have a look at each dimension separately:


To measure the bottom of the glass bottle, you need a flat scale. The bottom face refers to the diameter of the glass bottle. Take the value of pi, i.e., 3.14, and then multiply it with the diameter. The resulting number is the circumference of the bottle.

The circumference refers to the width of the glass bottle label.


Next in the bottle label dimensions comes the measurement of height. For the measurement of the height of the glass bottle you need a flexible measuring tape. From one curve to the other, the measurement of the bottle’s flat surface refers to the measurement of the label’s width.

A deduction of 1/8(th) to 1/4(th) of an inch from the width of the bottle is recommended. Almost 1/8(th) of an inch deduction is recommended from the height.

This deduction helps in the accurate measurement of the label’s height. By following this rule, the label becomes a manageable height for the glass bottle. This method is useful, especially in cases where the label application is done by hand.


Among the bottle label dimensions, thickness is the most complicated dimension to measure; for accurate measurement and instant thickness of glass bottles, ultrasonic or magnetic gauges are used.

The purpose behind using these gauges is that they do not damage the walls of the glass bottles. Moreover, the measurements are reliable as well.

  • Magnetic Gauges

Magnetic gauges are used to measure the thickness of glass bottles with an open end. A magnetic gauge can measure glass bottles with a thickness of a maximum of 25mm.

  • Ultrasonic Gauge

Ultrasonic gauges can measure glass thickness within a range of 0.125mm to 500 mm. The thickness of all common glass products can be measured by using an ultrasonic gauge.

The ultrasonic gauge transmits a high-frequency sound pulse into the walls of the glass bottles. It measures the round-trip travel time of this high-frequency sound pulse.

To calculate the wall thickness, the ultrasonic gauge uses the pulse transit time and the sound velocity of a calibrated material.

Measuring Bottles of Different Shapes

1.Rectangle Glass Bottles

There are two ways to measure a rectangle or square-shaped glass bottle. It depends upon whether the brand label will wrap the entire glass bottle or just one side.

If the label has to appear on just the sides of the bottle, then you need to measure the side of the bottle and the width and height of the surface area. For this measurement, you need a flat ruler or scale.

2.Measuring Unique Shaped Bottles

Measurement of tapered or uniquely shaped bottles is very difficult. It is important first to determine whether your glass bottle is tapered or not.

For this purpose, you need a flat scale, ruler, or index card. Place the measuring instrument against the edge of a glass bottle. If a small gap appears between the straight edge and the bottle or container, then the bottle is tapered.

Measurement of tapered or uniquely shaped bottles requires advanced tools. Another useful way to measure these bottles for glass labels is to contact their suppliers.

Unique-shaped bottles make your brand appear unique and stand out from others. On the other hand, they are difficult for the label attachment. Because of their shape, the brand label might face bubbling, wrinkling, or lifting. To resolve this issue, small or curved labels are used. Another choice is to use shrink-sleeve labels.

3.Cylindrical or Round Glass Bottles

Easy to manufacture and handle, cylindrical or round-shaped bottles are comparatively easy to measure for brand labeling. These bottles give two labeling options to the brand owners:

  • Either they want the label to overlap
  • Or the label should have a gap between the edges.

The following steps can be useful in measuring a cylindrical or round-shaped glass bottle:

  • Turn the bottle upside down and measure the circumference. You can use the method stated before to measure the diameter of the glass bottle.
  • Measure the height of the bottle. The height starts from one curve to another. The first curve is before the start of the bottom. The second curve is before the start of the bottle’s neck.
  • Now follow the label calculator rule of the glass bottle’s height. This rule requires a deduction of 1/8(th) to 1/4(th inch )from the width and a deduction of 1/8(th) inch from the height.
  • If you want the brand labels to overlap at the ends, then add 1/4 of an inch to the width.

Getting Personalized Labels for Your Brands

Glass bottle manufacturing is a competitive industry. Go zone glass manufacturing, through its flawless manufacturing techniques, produces a variety of perfume glass bottles. Along with a variety of glass bottles, Gozone also offers personalized brand labels.

Just share your brand’s label design with the company, along with your desired glass bottle design. Gozone will first provide you with a free sample before manufacturing your order in bulk. Your successful personal perfume bottle brand is just one click away.


From the wall’s thickness to diameter and height, each parameter requires different measurements. Although bottle label dimensions are complex to measure, the y are crucial in determining the right measurement of the brand label. Also, for different types and shapes of glass bottles, different measuring methods are used.